Coverage changes

Before the season really gets into high gear, I wanted to give everyone a heads up on how this season will be a little different. USCHO has started a new style of coverage that means that I will occasionally be covering Clarkson instead of SLU. I'll do my best to stay on top of the scores, and will have Thomas live tweet the games, but my twitter will sometimes consist of updates on Clarkson instead of St. Lawrence.

Secondly, I will not be going to the Friendship Four, and its incredibly unlikely that I'll even be able to watch any of the games, as I'll be in Argentina for the duration of Thanksgiving break for a class trip.

There are no changes to the way I'll cover the women, and that includes tonights game against Clarkson. I'll be on the mic, so tweets will come from Andy, and he'll follow the men's game once that kicks off as well until I'm off the call.

Here we go Saints.
